SOME PEOPLE are convinced that Beauty Wonkette has a foot fetish. WEG.... Nah, she doesn't really. BUT, Beauty Wonkette does believe that good grooming includes keeping her tootsies soft and purdy. It ain't hard. Really. Read on!
For stunning tootsies all year round, follow this nourishing routine:
The 6-step Professional Pedicure
At least twice a year (once before the summer season and once before the winter holidays), treat yourself to an intensive professional pedicure. Beauty Wonkette indulges far more frequently. Costly? Nah. Beauty Wonkette does it herself. But, whether the pampering will be done in the privacy of your home or at your favorite spa or salon, choose a treatment that includes the following steps:
1. A salt bath to soften feet.
2. Callus removal, which therapists usually carry out by first brushing a special softening solution onto the affected area and then using a brand-new or properly sanitized tool.
3. A sugar scrub to exfoliate the whole foot.
4. A foot massage, using a natural oil such as grapeseed, which deeply penetrates your skin, returning feet to supple form.
5. A hot paraffin wrap, which seals in moisture.
6. And finally, the fun part: the classic pedicure, during which your toenails are cut and filed, cuticles are softened and nails are painted.
Do-it-yourself Daily Maintenance
1. Sit at the edge of your bathtub and apply a foot scrub. Choose one that contains your favorite essential oils or make your own by combining 1 tablespoon olive oil with 1 tablespoon raw sugar, oatmeal or chickpea flour. Massage the scrub into your feet and leave it on for five minutes. If time permits, soak hand towels in warm or hot water, and wrap them around your feet. This seals in moisture and works in the same way as a paraffin wax treatment.
2. Keep a foot brush or designated washcloth in the shower. Pour liquid soap onto your chosen scrubber and rub until your heels and toes are thoroughly clean. Three times a week while showering, run a foot file vigorously across your heels and soles. Be sure to replace your file once a month to avoid bacteria buildup.
3. Immediately after your bath or shower, slather your feet with a thick body butter, taking care to massage the lotion into your heels and soles.
4. For an added moisture boost, twice a week before you go to bed, rub olive oil all over your feet and soles, and sleep with socks on.
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