Ever look at someone with a clear bight face, and then as your eyes travel down to the chest the skin revealed just where a couple of buttons are undone, you can see an area that’s freckled, wrinkled and darker than the face? Beauty Wonkette sees it all too often. It’s not pretty or youthful. What it IS is years of sun damage. Fortunately, Obagi Medical has come out with a system to treat it. The Elastiderm Decolletage System does a remarkable job of reversing some of that photo-aging damage.
Part one is a skin lightening complex that uses 4% hydroquinone (pleeeez DON'T start with BW about hydroquinone - NOTHING else is as effective) which reduces discoloration and age spots.
Part two is a wrinkle reducer that is a blend of minerals, copper, zinc and malonic acid which helps to restore collagen and help the skin produce healthy new skin cells. Start now and Beauty Wonkette promises that you'll see results in one month – just when you’ll want to be getting rid of that turtleneck! Gobble, gobble.
Available at www.lovelyskin.com
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