OoOoOooooppps... sorry! Beauty Wonkette got carried away for a moment. But, the truth is, finding a cosmetic line that stresses a simple "one color fits all" approach to beauty AND attaches it to an insistence that there isn't anything wrong with being over 40 EXCEPT trying to look 18, makes Beauty Wonkette WANNA DANCE! BOOM! chicka BOOM!
Ok - here's the poop (so to speak). Cindy Joseph started out as a makeup artist, then launched a successful modelling career when she decided to stop camoflaging her gray hair (uh, yeah, her long, lovely locks are gray, but I think the modelling thing worked because the woman is SERIOUSLY gorgeous), and now, she has come out with an interesting and very simple beauty line that consists of just three pocket-sized twist-up sticks, perfect for tossing in your gym bag and dabbing on-the-go:
* Boomstick Glo: A deliciously hydrating olive oil and beeswax balm formulated by Cindy’s beekeeper friend in Hawaii that can be used on cuticles, lips or face. This one deserves a spot in even the most crowded stash!
* Boomstick Color: A berry hue for lips, cheeks and eyes that flatters all skin tones. Apparently, it’s based on a shade Cindy mixed at photo shoots and used on the full spectrum of celebs and models, from Uma Thurman to Naomi Campbell.
* Boomstick Glimmer: A subtle shimmer highlighter that can be used to accentuate cheekbones, brighten up the inner corners of eyes or layer on lips for a more dressed-up look.
Talk about a streamlined routine! Listen up my fellow wonkettes! These 3 little chubby stick have proved to be Beauty Wonkette's life savers on more that one occasion. They make you look good instantly – adding color and shimmer and softening lines on the spot.
I could go on, BUT Cindy Joseph does an awesome job of explaining her line, complete with video demos of her using each of the products on her own, clean face. If you, like Beauty Wonkette, are determined to embrace the simple AND look fabulous while doing it, visit the BOOM! by Cindy Joseph site and decide for yourself.
Beauty Wonkette makes her exit, happily dancing to her singing BOOM! chicka BOOM!
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