It's been unseasonably cold and wet and yucky. Beauty Wonkette plans on lighting the fire, opening some good wine, and treating herself to a little bit of homemade spa action before Mr. BW gets some tonite. Want to treat yourself to a little handmade spa action, too? Check out these facial scrub recipes for dry, normal, and oily skin! Beauty Wonkette has seen other recipes that might be more interesting, but these are all made of things you probably have in the kitchen, so no special prep is required....
Now, first off, regardless of skin type, the best way to apply your scrub is to gently massage it on with a damp washcloth, and make sure you rinse your face thoroughly when you’re done. Also, don’t miss the easy toner recipe at the very bottom!
A word of caution about these scrubs: you don’t want to exfoliate every day. Once or twice a week is just perfect for maintaining healthy, glowing skin! More than that can cause oiliness, dryness or breakouts as your skin compensates for the “lost” moisture. You’ll want to mix up very small batches- enough for just one or two uses - since these recipes are food-based and won’t keep for too long on the shelf.
Dry Skin
To help ease dry skin, you’ll want to gently exfoliate while also moisturizing. Try Annie’s sugar scrub recipe or ehow’s olive oil and avocado moisturizer. If your skin is exceptionally dry, follow this up with a little bit of olive oil to moisturize even more. You might also try drinking more water to treat your skin right from the inside out!
Normal Skin
To gently moisturize and exfoliate normal skin, try mixing a bit of sugar and baking soda with enough sesame oil to form a paste. If this feels a bit too oily for your skin, you can also try half oil and half honey in the mix.
Oily Skin
We knew oatmeal was good for your insides… who knew it was great for your face? You can make a simple oatmeal scrub by combining equal parts ground oatmeal and deeply steeped, cooled chamomile tea. Add a little bit of honey and a drop of tea tree oil, and you’re ready to scrub. This recipe also works with spent coffee grounds in place of the oatmeal. Invigorating!
No matter what your skin type, you might enjoy following this up with a soothing green tea toner. Just steep the tea for about ten minutes and let it cool. Put it in a spray bottle and spritz on or apply with a clean cloth. Voila!
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