It’s pedicure season! But there are some things a salt scrub and pumice stone just won’t fix (cough cough, corns). Hey, no judgments — wearing women’s shoes is rough stuff. That’s why head makeup artist for The Bold and the Beautiful, Allyson Carey, created a line of foundation for your feet. T!ntalize (Beauty Wonkette can't make this stuff up, people) is smudge- and sweatproof (errr supposedly) makeup designed to conceal corns, scars, blisters, veins, tan lines, and other discolorations. Of course, Beauty Wonkette had to see for herself. She recruited a few co-workers with various foot situations (corns, scars, and callouses were represented) and put it to the test. Colors range from Vanilla Mousse to Chile Chocolate (ahem.... Beauty Wonkette REALLY can't make this stuff up) and are applied just like regular foundation. The darker colors concealed more naturally, while the lighter colors — as one colleague put it — made skin resemble Barbie’s foot, in both color and texture. Hot! And the makeup wasn’t so smudgeproof: Everyone had foundation smeared on their socks and shoes. But if you really have some gnarled-up feet, try it for yourself.
$15 at Tintalize.com
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