Hopefully, by now, Beauty Wonkette has convinced beauty wonkettes everywhere that if you’re not regularly buffing your skin, it’s not living up to its total hot potential. Indeed, almost all dermatologists agree that exfoliators are the unsung heroes of skin care. It’s easy enough to understand.
As teens, our skin cells flake off and reveal a more luminous layer ever 14 days. But for every year past the age of 20, that rate increases by a day. Put your shoes back on! Calculations are NOT necessary. If you’re old enough to be reading Beauty Wonkette, you should be exfoliating ! Now, although there are loads of exfoliators out there – some of ‘em gritty, others packed with acids in the form of fruit enzymes – the fact is that Beauty Wonkette doesn’t want you to slap just any crap on your kisser. Furthermore, please remember that truly seeing results that last more than an hour or so after exfoliating, you need to do it consistently. Hence, you have to find what’s right for you. Anything that’s irritating isn’t something you are likely to use consistently.
For those of you with skin that is normal, or oil (Beauty Wonkette is from the land of olive oil and her skin literally reflects it… ), you can likely withstand all types of exfoliators. But, my lovelies, Beauty Wonkette has discovered what is without a doubt the best of all possible worlds when it comes to exfoliation.
David Colbert, MD – dermatologist to the stars – has come out with a lovely line of skincare products. The Colbert MD line is based on the idea that healthy, beautiful skin can and should be effortlessly realized by every one of us. Since the skin has its own healing mechanism that will prompt it to regenerate, he argues, we can create the environment in which it can repair and restore itself. Sooooo, Colbert MD’s system initiates the skin’s own natural healing and repair processes through the use of 3 key products each day every day. Beauty Wonkette likes the fact that it’s easy peasy AND effective AND, while it ain’t cheap, you won’t have to give up feeding your body to feed your skin.
The ColbertMD Daily System
Stimulate: The Serum
Enhances skin´s quality and structure, and refines texture. Increases collagen production. Restores skin´s natural radiance.
Nutrify and Protect: Day
Delivers key nutrients to the dermis. Defends skin against internal and environmental challenges.
Heal and Sooth: Night
Initiates skin´s natural repair processes. Helps reverse inflammation and environmental damage while providing essential hydration.
Now, all of this brings Beauty Wonkette to what she intended to talk about oh so many words ago. This IS a nice line, but honesty must prevail. Beauty Wonkette isn’t ready to part with her M Lab regimen. However, this line has one absolutely standout rockstar product that will intensify ANY skin care routine: Facial Discs ! For use one to three times per week (Beauty Wonkette has been using them 2-3 times per week), these enzyme-soaked discs exfoliate the skin, prepping it for the other Colbert MD (or any other) products and helping the system achieve full effectiveness.
Consider this Exfoliating 201: By now, most of us know that fruit acid can ramp up skin’s radiance. But, using both a physical slougher and a chemical one offers a facial like luminosity that you will LOVE. The combo breaks the bonds between surface cells and dissolves them evenly.
Now, Beauty Wonkette warns you that this is somewhat aggressive and you should do it only if your skin is normal or oily. Start slow – once a week perhaps – and work your way up. Even if your skin tends to the sensitive, you can still probably use this a few times per month.
A jar of 20 discs will set you back $48. Trust Beauty Wonkette. It’s hard to imagine how the money could be better spent. And, Beauty Wonkette is guessing that by sometime tomorrow, your skin is going to be needing a "pick me up."
Wishing you and yours a happy, healthy New Year.