Skinterra is one of Beauty Wonkette's favorite skincare stores. From now until March 3 (midnite EST) Skinterra is offering a 20% STOREWIDE discount. No restrictions! No minimums. Beauty Wonkette suggest you stock up NOW. Use promo code SAVE20 at checkout.
Beauty Wonkette is a workout fanatic! Not a bad thing, really. I mean, there are worse addictions than a Stairmaster addiction. Over the years, I've found that changing up your workout routine from time to time keeps things fresh and interesting. However, some things are absolute staples in Beauty Wonkette's workout regimen: the classic workout tapes/dvds by the Firm, the Stairmaster, swimming, and YES - Pilates.
Beauty Wonkette was doing Pilates years before it became a craze amongst the chiceria. In fact, even though Pilates really is an instructor-based system (yep - ever after all these years, Beauty Wonkette still takes an occasional Pilates class to check her form, etc), the investment in a her very own studio Reformer was one of the best investments Beauty Wonkette has made. BUT, it takes up an awful lot of room and not everyone has that kind of space.
When Beauty Wonkette was asked to test this new system, she was admittedly skeptical. Surely this could never replace her beloved Reformer. WRONG. This portable system is absolutely awesome. For $149 you gain all the benefits of the Reformer without sacrificing the space. Throw in a few more bucks for the wall mount and it makes something that is excellent even better.
If you're not familiar with Pilates then get familiar with it RIGHT NOW. Created by Joseph Pilates over ninety years ago to aid in rehabilitation of patients, Pilates builds muscle, and improves posture, flexibility, and balance through a series of stretching and strengthening exercises. Joseph Pilates was one of the first Westerners to write about mind-body exercise. In contrast to traditional training, Pilates does not isolate each muscle in training but rather works the entire body as a whole. Anyone can do it. I've even recruited my father and he says he's never felt better.
PilatesStick® is the first completely portable body sculpting system.Use it in your home, office, hotel or even take a Pilatesstick ® class at your local gym! The PilatesStick® Portable Body Sculpting System uses patented Slastix™ technology in the production of the resistance tubing. It is superior to traditional naked tubing because it provides increased comfort and safety. No more worries about skin being pinched or having your hair pulled by latex! For you sensitive lovelies, the Safety Sleeve™ provides ultimate protection from irritation caused by latex. The Pilatesstick ® features contouring attachment straps. These straps attach your hands or feet to the unit for a more secure movement.
In addition to the Pilatesstick system itself, you also get an exercise mat, a very cool carrying bag, a door anchor, and a basic workout dvd. I think now they also throw in the advanced workout dvd for free. Shipping is free, too. Whether you are a workout fanatic like Beauty Wonkette, or have been thinking (and stalling) about getting in shape, you really should check out the Pilatesstick !
The market today is loaded with new products that promise to grow your eyelashes, thicken them, etc. Apparently, some of them even work! Beauty Wonkette learned awhile back that she had alot more eyelash than she thought! DID YOU KNOW THAT THE TIPS OF YOUR EYELASHES ARE TRANSPARENT? ^5s to you if you already knew that. Beauty Wonkette didn't. Once I DID learn it, I also learned to tint my own eyelashes and the results are truly phenomenal. My lashes look longer, thicker, and very glossy.
The very best of all the eyelash tint kits is 1000 Hours Eyelash and Brow Tint. Why 1000 hours? Well, apparently, that's the actual lifespan of a single eyelash. You can figure the rest out. Although I have waited 6 weeks to retint, more often than not, I do it every 4 weeks or so. I especially love this stuff because my eyelashes look sultry even when they are bare of mascara. It means they look good in bed, on the beach, when I go to the pool for a workout swim, and on days that I don't bother with mascara (which is more and more frequently now that I'm tinting).
The only downside is that the stuff isn't available in the U.S. The GREAT news is that you can now buy it from the 1000 Hours site for $25 a pop. And, that price includes shipping from Australia. Not bad when you consider that each kit will give you 12 applications. Place an order for over $70 (and Beauty Wonkette personally likes to stock up on stuff when she orders anyway), and they'll throw in a heated eyelash curler worth $25 gratis.
The kits, which are very easy to use, come in black, dark brown, blue black, brown black, and charcoal. Beauty Wonkette has dark brown hair and uses the blue black. Although the black gave great results, the blue black seems to look extra glossy. If you're looking for blue though, I have to tell you that I don't detect even a hint of it.
Truth be told, Beauty Wonkette is not terribly adventurous when it comes to nail polish on her fingernails. Alot of it is a job thing. Ahhhh but Beauty Wonkette has the HOTTEST toes (wiggling them happily!)
So, what’s hot this Spring?
How about fashion-forward, wearable nail colors for the modern woman who is looking for an effective, safe, environmentally conscious brand?
If this is you, then you are going to LOVE these. These long-lasting, chip-resistant polishes are available in this spring’s 6 hottest shades, ensure flawless results with each application, and their green ingredient list excludes DBP, toluene, and formaldehyde.
Not bad for $9. Sephora by Opi. Available exclusively at Sephora.
Yes, Beauty Wonkette knows that today is Saturday and she promised to do an Etailer of the Week feature every Friday. Sigh. It's just a leeetle bit late though....
This week, I want to call your attention to Arcadia Aromatics. The fact that Beauty Wonkette is obsessed with gorgeous, fragrant, luxurious handmade cold process soaps isn't a secret. I can tell you that Arcadia makes some of the absolute best out there. They're always gorgeous and she really does come up with some truly luscious fragrance blends. I adore her salt bars, which are NOT scrub bars (for the uninitiated), but soap bars to which one adds salt. The result is a harder bar that is just awesome in the bath or shower.
But, what won this etailer this spot is her unique and awesome solid shampoo and conditioner bars. OMG they are sooooo good. I do a fair amount of travelling for both work and play. Transporting a bottle of shampoo and conditioner has always been a pain. It became a more significant problem when the airlines enacted their anti-terror restrictions. Beauty Wonkette does not like waiting around for baggage since it seems to take as long to get your bag as it took you to get there in the first place. Investing in the incredibly efficient and deceptively roomy carry-on luggage used by pilots and flight attendants was a very smart move. But, was Beauty Wonkette supposed to walk around with dirty hair? Was she going to have to figure in time to shop for shampoo and conditioner in every town and hamlet?
I've tried other solid hair products that some gals have raved about. I tried products from a number of etailers, from LUSH (whose products I sort of hate) - didn't like any of them. Even with a apple cider vinegar rinse, I felt like they left a film on my hair and also left it difficult to style. Arcadia's are fantastic though. I'm not ready to toss my shampoo - conditioner stash and I still am loving conditioner only washing for 3 or 4 out of 5 of my hair cleanses, but these babies are invaluable for travel and last forever. Try them and check out those gorgeous soaps while you're out it. If you do, especially if the solid shampoo and conditioner totally replace whatever you are currently using, Beauty Wonkette would love to hear about it.....
Beauty Wonkette is not a hairy ape, BUT we Mediterranean girls usually do have more than just fine blonde fuzz. Add to that the fact Beauty Wonkette has been an avid swimmer since the age of 8. Ahhh now you're getting the picture. I started out shaving my bikini area. I can't say I loved it, but it did the job (sorta). Then, when Beauty Wonkette was all grown up, waxing became interesting. Except for the excruciating pain, I loved the results. After a time, I went for a full Brazilian. OWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW indeed. But Mr. Beauty Wonkette loved the results even more than Beauty Wonkette. Oh me oh my was Beauty Wonkette destined to suffer this pain on a regular basis. Nothing seemed to help. Beauty Wonkette tried several Cadillac Margaritas with shots on the side 30 minutes prior to waxing. It didn't take the edge off the pain, but it got Beauty Wonkette into the waxing studio and also served to dim her memory (useful in getting her BACK in the waxing studio).
Finally, Beauty Wonkette found a spa whose waxing staff weren't a bunch of closet S&M freaks. They introduced her to No Scream Cream. Whew! I'm not going to lie. It does NOT make waxing totally painless. BUT, it does make it very tolerable. It also isn't yucky to use. It has very cute packaging, a pleasant fragrance, isn't oily, and doesn't stain your clothes. It has the highest concentration of benzocaine (20%) available without a prescription.
Right now, Beauty Wonkette is testing the No!No! Hair Removal device and will report back when she's made an assessment of its effectiveness. But, so far, nothing beats the results of waxing. So, whether you're going in for a Brazilian or just heading to your own bathroom to wax your upper lip, you really do need this stuff. When used properly, and THAT MEANS APPLYING IT 30-40 MINUTES PRIOR TO WAXING, I guarantee you that it will make your waxing experience more tolerable than you thought possible. AND, as a generous byproduct, at least for me, it seems to eliminate post-waxing redness and irritation. With all that said, Beauty Wonkette still uses a waxing appointment as an excuse to guzzle (in a totally ladylike fashion, of course) a couple of those Cadillac Margs. Yummmm! ;-)
Adesign has created the ultimate in precision, goof-proof eye lining. (Beauty Wonkette LOVES goof-proof :D )Their Eye 5 brush is angled for easy application. The surface area is wide - much wider than any eye liner brush I've seen - so you can get the job done in fewer swipes. Fewer swipes means fewer mistakes. Believe me! This baby will evenly and smoothly apply both liquid and wet to dry shadows. You can also blend and smudge pencil liners.
Unfortunately, most of us know someone who has been stricken with cancer. Even for those fortunate enough to have a cancer that is treatable, the treatment can really take its toll. Yes, chemotherapy, in particular, has come a long way. Sympathetic drugs allow those fighting cancer and undergoing chemo to function far better than ever before. Wawful rashes, dermatitis, leukopenia. And, adding insult to injury, the effects are worsened by traditional skin care products.
Not too long ago, a very dear and longtime friend with absolutely NO risk factors for cancer of any kind, and with absolutely no symptoms, found out by chance that she had stage IV metastatic lung cancer. Needless to say, her prognosis wasn't good. But, she's tough and courageous and told us all that she just wasn't ready to die. She lost one lung to surgery which was followed by high dose radiation therapy. When the cancer metastasized to her brain, she started an incredibly agressive regimen of chemo. It was aggressive enough to wipe out any sign of cancer in her brain, but now, it has travelled to her other lung. This isn't a story with a happy ending. But, she knew from the beginning what she was up against. When she was first diagnosed, her doctors told her that she should get her personal affairs in order. They didn't expect her to last the year. That was three years ago. Her strength is seriously diminished. She's going through yet another round of chemo, but it ISN'T a terribly aggressive cycle. She isn't strong enough for that. But she still is in there fighting for each and every day. I have to say that I am absolutely in awe of her. I've never seen someone fight with such courage and such grace.
When this happened to her, we were both at the height of our careers; both incredibly busy and keeping in touch with quick, witty emails, text messages, funny photos of us, of our lovers, our dogs. Since then, although she, amazing Supergirl that she is, has continued to work, and obviously so have I, we've made the time. We've dumped our so's and done girlee sleepovers - staying up all night talking. She told me that there were alot of things about her situation that were incredibly difficult to come to terms with. But, again and again, she said that one of the most difficult was the loss of control. She also said that while she felt almost embarassed to admit it, her self esteem was taking a terrible beating. I told her honestly that although her legendary great ass was gone, she was still every bit as beautiful as she was before. I wasn't saying it because I love her. It happens to just be true. Nevertheless, I was almost desperate to do SOMETHING for her.
After a fair amount of research, I was somewhat shocked to discover that there was not one line of skin care products specifically developed for people with cancer. Innovative Skincare - IS Clinical - to their credit, DOES indeed have a few products as well as an excellent program for women fighting cancer. But, I wasn't entirely satisfied. Then I discovered Lindi Skin.
The more I learned about the line, the more excited I got. Basically, Lindi Skin's founders aligned with dermatologists, oncologists, nurses, patients and skincare formulators to create the first and only complete skin care line developed for the unique needs of people with cancer.
The products are elegant and luxurious. The formulas are unique: gentle, soothing, and packed with high quality anti-inflammatories, anti-irritants and healing ingredients. Each product also seeks to achieve the absolute ultimate in hydration, which is a huge issue for those undergoing cancer treatment. They will even pair you up with products that combat effects from your specific treatments or medications. Among the many great products in the line, the Eye Hydrator is excellent and has a unique texture that smoothes on and absorbs quickly so no rubbing is needed. My friend says that the Skin Coolers, which ease and cool skin that's itchy, dry, and irritated, may be the best thing that has ever happened to her. They can also be worn under wigs or around the neck for hot flashes.
I just can't say enough good things about Lindi Skin. They don't just offer fantastic products, either. Clearly these folks know something about what it's like to fight cancer and are determined to provide both the products AND the tools and support that help when one is fighting cancer. My friend told me that in "reclaiming" her skin, she felt like she had won back at least some measure of control over what was happening to her. She looks better, she feels better, and she's got alot of her old self-confidence back.
If someone you know is going through cancer therapy, you simply MUST check out this line. No matter how you cut it, cancer REALLY sucks. Lindi Skincare makes it suck just a little bit less....
When Beauty Wonkette makes a promise, Beauty Wonkette delivers. I've been promising a Friday Etailer of the Week review. Well, after my MLAB post, I figured I'd better start giving you some options that won't drive you into bankruptcy!!! And, when it comes to skincare, True Radiance has become a virtual cult favorite in the online skincare and beauty community...
True Radiance was founded by Aleta Medeiros, a registered nurse in California. As is so often the case with etailers, what began as a small and successful hobby for making quality skincare products for friends and patients, became a business. Luck for us that it did, because this is good stuff at a reasonable price.
From the True Radiance site:
"True Radiance is fully focused on bringing you the cutting edge in quality skin creams. Our anti-aging skin creams, for example, utilize modern ingredients. As a result, our products have offered alternative solutions to costly, and sometimes, harmful cosmetic procedures.
Our Company takes pride in researching the latest advancements, and our creams and serums are a result of that research. We care about how people look, and consequently, how they feel."
I've personally tried both the Golden Serum and True Radiance Eye Cream and they are both great products: pleasant to use, effective, and reasonably priced. Aleta also offers fantastic customer service and a very generous sample policy. Beauty Wonkette doesn't make recommendations lightly, but this one comes without reservation. Check it out for yourself.
Beauty Wonkette promises that after this post, which is likely to cost you your lunch $$ for the next couple of weeks, we'll continue with our (brand new) Friday tradition of reviewing a favorite etailer with great prices. Now, fasten your seatbelts for an absolutely amazingly effective skincare line. Uhhhhh forget your seatbelts. Padlock your wallet - this stuff IS pricey, BUT unlike alot of other high end skincare lines, this stuff is amazingly effective. Here's the poop...
Milbar Laboratories has been formulating innovative skin care in the medical market for dermatologists and plastic surgeons for over 25 years. A couple of years ago, they challenged their scientists to create, without limitation, the most efficacious and luxurious anti-aging formulations in the world. The results were truly spectacular. MLAB products were officially born.
The successful action of the M LAB™ products results from an extraordinarily high number of clinically active ingredients designed to target every visual sign of aging. These formulations provide the greatest opportunity for positive skin response and corrective action. Bottom line: if this stuff doesn't work for you, nothing will!!!
Independent clinical testing has, in fact, validated the results and expectations of the M LAB™ product line: demonstrable effects and positive changes were seen rather quickly. However, although Beauty Wonkette adores reading about clinical tests and double blind studies and such, Beauty Wonkette also believes the proof is in the pudding. And ohhhhhhhh my!!! I snagged a travel kit when they were offering them for $75 (regular price is $130, which is still something of a deal). Ok - I purchased more than one travel kit when they were $75 (Beauty Wonkette cannot tell a lie around Presidents Day...:D ) Less than 2 weeks of use produced very visible skin firming, the reduction of fine lines and wrinkles and the improvement of skin clarity, color and texture. I was really happy with the results. I can also tell you that my sister, who does not take as good care of her skin as I do (I'd be better looking than her IN ANY CASE though), saw results that were MIND BLOWING.
But, really, this isn't surprising. The science INSIDE these products is really pretty awesome. Just to give you an example, let's take a look at the Anti Aging Treatment Cream. 2.4 ounces of the stuff will set you back $260 BUT I honestly think it's worth it. Why? Well, the formulation contains a whopping 68% active ingredients!!!
Tetrahexyldecyl Ascorbate - A stabilized form of Vitamin C allowing for excellent skin penetration - Proven to be a highly effective anti-oxidant - Promotes skin firmness
Squalane, Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10) - Aids in strengthening the natural moisturization barrier by delivering essential fatty acids to the skin - Provides a very strong anti-oxidant protection
Sodium PCA, Urea, Trehalose, Polyquaternium-51, Sodium Hyaluronate - A combination of hydrating materials that help maintain water content in the skin surface - Promotes soft and smooth skin
Avena Sativa Kernal Extract - Aids in strengthening the skin against effects of environmental exposure
Epilobium Angustifolium Extract (Willowherb) - Soothes and calms stressed skin conditions - Provides anti-oxidant benefits Phytic Acid - Provides exfoliation through mild keratolytic activity - Contributes anti-oxidant protection from free radicals - Helps to even skin discoloration
Aminobutyric Acid, Portulaca Oleracea Extract, Panax Ginseng Extract, Centella Asiatica Extract - Rapidly reduces the appearance of age lines and wrinkles resulting from repetitive muscle movements
Bambusa Vulgaris Extract, Pisum Sativum Extract, Glucosamine HCL - Increases firming of the skin - Reduces the appearance of wrinkles Saccharomyces Lysate Extract - Provides soothing and calming effects to the skin - Stimulates cell renewal to minimize fine lines and wrinkles - Aids in smoothing and moisturizing the skin - Skin rejuvenator to improve overall clarity
Arbutin - An extract of the Bearberry plant that improves skin tone properties - Helps to protect the skin against damage caused by free radicals Saccharomyces/Xylinum Black Tea Ferment - Helps to smooth and improve the appearance of skin texture - Helps to reduce the negative effects of sugars on collagen that weaken the skin structure
Evodia Rutaecarpa Fruit Extract - Soothing and calming agent
Dipeptide Diaminobutyroyl Benzylamide Diacetate - Excellent anti-wrinkle compound for rapid reduction in the appearance of expression lines
Superoxide Dismutase - Provides long-term anti-oxidant protection - Protects the skin from oxidative stress - Helps to delay early skin aging -Promotes skin firmness
Squalane, Ubiquinone (Coenzyme Q10) - Aids in strengthening the natural moisturization barrier by delivering essential fatty acids to the skin - Provides a very strong anti-oxidant protection
Yes, it's a pricey line, but Beauty Wonkette couldn't hold back because it is also an incredible one AND if you limit yourself to one or two items in the line, given the results and the fact that a little of this stuff does go a long way, it is ultimately worth it. I've yet to see anything but a RAVE review. Check it out for yourself and see if you agree with Beauty Wonkette (who is now a skinnier Beauty Wonkette because she spent all her lunch money on this stuff).
All month long, BlissWorld is giving away a free full size Love Handler ($36 value) with ANY product purchase in spa and on! Is it any good? Who the hell cares?!?!?! It's FREE... Beauty Wonkette is now leaving this site to snag one :D
Beauty Wonkette has long, thick, layered, and just a leetle bit wavy hair. If I wash my hair and work some leave in conditioner or my beloved Fekkai stuff that I can never remember the full name of, and let it air dry, it look kind of cool. I only do that when I'm not going anywhere though. It's my messy bedhead look :D
Most of the time, I use a flat iron or a wide barrel brush/curling iron to smooth and straighten my hair and make it all shiny and glossy and I DO love the way my hair looks and feels. Since I was just a junior beauty wonkette, I've been doing stuff to torture the waves out of my hair. How ironic that now I sometimes long for that curly haired girl look! I went out and got myself an Enzo Milano Curling Iron and I've got to tell you, it is really fabulous. The number of things you can do with it is amazing and I've never had anything but fantastic results. I highly recommend this to everyone I know. Buttttttt, this isn't about my Enzo Milano. Nope. It's about these crazy looking things called CURLFORMERS.
During a recent trip to my local Sally's Beauty Supply, they had a Curlformers video running. It just looked so absolutely cool that even though I'm happy with my Enzo Milano for days that I want to style my hair curly, I wasn't gonna be happy unless I tried these things.
They're alot of fun to use and the results really are great. They also cost alot less than the Enzo Milano. So, if you just want to try out a curly girl look without investing a grip OR if you figure you'll only go curly now and then and the Enzo Milano isn't worth it for you, you've got to grab some of these. I know you'll be amazed as I was at the result. The Curlformers site has a bunch of instruction videos as does Sally's Beauty Supply and YouTube. So, whether your hair is short or long or somewhere inbetween; whether you want to be a complete noodlehead or work in a few well-shaped spirals or barrel curls or WHATEVAH.... Listen to Beauty Wonkette! Get some of these and have fun!
It's peak flu season and for any sick beauty wonkettes out there, nothing is more unsexy (errrr less sexy :D) than Vicks Vapo Rub. Luckily, for those who need to feel pampered and chic while coughing up a lung, Amala's detoxifying bath crystals ($48) and detoxifying body oil ($28 to $48) do just that. A couple of scoops easily dissolves in hot water, doesn't leave any residue on your body or tub, and, most important, the high dose of myrtle opens up your chest and clears out your sinuses almost instantly. Slather on the oil and you can practically sleep through the night. Sweet dreams, baby ZZZZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
I've been doing so much scrubbing, polishing, buffing, and marinating lately, I might as well put myself on a rotisserie spit ! I'm sure I'd be succulent and tender!!! If you are thinking that my bathroom must be overflowing with scrubs and polishes, you are absolutely right! I adore scrubs. I adore them so much I often make my own, but I also find any new scrub that seems unique and effective to be irresistible.
Over the weekend, I went back to some old favorites from Ablutions Spa and wondered how on earth I've been living without them! These are THE MOST LUSCIOUS scrubs on the planet. They are also VERY effective. Not a bad combo where I come from!
I think what I like best about them is that they are "big girl scrubs." They're loaded with sumptuous, exotic ingredients and they not only leave my skin all buffed and polished and touchable, they smell sultry. If you are like me, you've often left the "bath & body" board over at Makeup Alley shaking your head. Don't get me wrong. I've gotten some great leads there. But when I read about some gals' choice of fragrance....well, ahem, I kind of shake my head. Beauty Wonkette is all grown up. I don't want to smell like cotton candy or pink cupcakes or twizzlers !!!
The ONLY problem I have with Ablutions Spa scrubs is deciding which one I like best. Among my current favorites:
Moroccan Harem Organic Sugar Scrub Description: Treat yourself to a Moroccan style spa treatment at home with this sultry, clean rinsing treat of organic sugar enveloped in an enticing blend of blood orange, sandalwood and clove bud essential oils, authentic Moroccan clays and ground spices that will transport you to another place and time.
Aegean Mint Organic Sugar Scrub Description:Aegean Mint takes its influence from the Mediterranean Sea and thermae of ancient Greece. This purifying body smoother features organic cane sugar, mineral rich sea clay and is lushly scented with a blend of essential oils showcasing spearmint, one of antiquity's favorites..
Thai Coconut Milk & Lemongrass Organic Sugar Scrub Description: From enchanting Thailand comes the delightful combination of sweet coconut, tart lemongrass essential oil and organic lemongrass powder in our clean rinsing organic sugar scrub. It's absolute bliss!
By the way, if you head over to Ablutions, check out their other products as well. I've yet to use anything that Monica makes that I haven't fallen in love with. She really is one of my favorite etailers. I'm buy so much from etailers and I'm truly delighted with much of what I've found online. I'm going to try to feature more of these great finds here. Beauty Wonkette believes that a) it is good to share, and b) you should spend as much money as I do :D
Beauty Wonkette is a complete snob when it comes to haircare. The idea of using drugstore shampoo and conditioner on my lovely locks is just.... well, just forget it! It's not just snobbery though. My hair is long, I color it, and I use hot tools. I want to preserve my color, keep my hair healthy and bouncy and shiney and I don't like harsh detergents, etc. I've been using some great stuff that I buy online, and I have some other favorites as well, but they're costly. I don't care. It's worth it to keep my hair all pretty and stuff...
Unfortunately, I found myself out of town with no shampoo. (Yes, I forgot to pack it. I ALWAYS forget something...sigh) I had read good reviews about L'Oreal's new Everpure line, and they had it at the Target store that I went to to pick up all the other stuff I forgot.
This is GOOD stuff!
I don't think it will totally replace my usual shampoo and conditioner, but I like to switch around anyway. You will NOT find a better product, especially not at this price. Frankly, could spend a bundle and do alot worse. I was amazed that a sulfate free shampoo could produce such luxurious lather. I also knew by the way my hair felt wet that I was going to love this stuff.
So, if you're looking for a sulfate free alternative in your haircare,EverPure is a complete sulfate-free color care system that frees your hair from harsh sulfates, surfactants and salts that can strip and dull your hair. It goes beyond UV filters and conditioning ingredients to give color-treated hair the special care it needs. Plus, for all you vegans out there, it is 100% vegan. Three formulas are available, moisturizing, volume and smoothing. I used the moisturizing line.
Would ya? The fact is alot of gals probably would. Beauty Wonkette remembers talk of using Preparation H under the eyes even when she was just a baby Beauty Wonkette! Ahhh but seriously, this is NOT "coochie cream." Monistat Chafing Powder Gel (which you will find - yes - where they keep the coochie creams) is, without question THE BEST primer you will ever find. The fact that the most you'll pay for it is $7-8 is a bonus. I'd pay twice as much for what it does...
I read about this on the beauty boards about 18 months ago. I'd never used a primer so I kind of ignored it. I also didn't use foundation because I thought it made my skin look worse, not better. I tried cult favorite Bare Escentuals and I swear that it made me look like an old lady. I figured I was never going to use anything but tinted moisturizer (which is a problem for me because I don't really a daytime moisturizer) and a dusting of loose powder.
Then, Sephora gave me a sample of Smashbox primer. I used it before I dusted my face with my beloved Makeup4Ever finishing powder (which totally rocks btw). OMG I looked gorgeous! My skin was totally flawless. Amazingly, it stayed that way for a full 18 hours. (My face usually looks like I swam thru an oil slick by midday). Smashbox primer runs about $36. Beauty Wonkette thought that was reasonable enough. Then I read about the Monistat... I was sceptical, indeed. But, a little research showed that the ingredients are exactly the same. I've been using it happily every since and you should too. Just make sure you buy the right stuff. THIS HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE STUFF YOU USE IF YOU HAVE A YEAST INFECTION save for the fact that both are made by Monistat.
You can read absolutely everything you might want to know about this - as well as stuff you would have never thought to ask - right here:
I am one happy little Beauty Wonkette today! I have found a few decent lip plumpers out there, but to be honest, I'm just not conscientous enough to keep reapplying stuff all day. So, when I read that taking a hyaluronic acid supplement (provided that it also contains BiocellII) would serve as a natural lip plumper, my first response was YAYYYYYY. My second was that this just had to be a load of bull uhhhhh, you know. It just sounded too good to be true. On top of that, Beauty Wonkette is not much of a pill popper. But, curiousity got the better of me. Off I went on my quest for the right supplement.
I found two that seemed to fit the bill. Collagen Type II by Vitamin Research Labs and Source Naturals Skin Eternal HyaluronicAcid (which also contains Biocell II) . Collagen Type II is a smaller capsule; the Skin Eternal HA is a larger tablet. Since capsules tend to make me burp, I went with the Skin Eternal. I started out taking 2 in the am and 2 in the pm (when I remembered, which was probably about 60% of the time cause I'm a space cadet in the pm....). Three days later I was TOTALLY amazed to find that the stuff worked.
No, no it was NOT my imagination. Beauty Wonkette is a nerd as well as a wonkette. I took a lip print In order to measure to accurately gauge the effectiveness of these new little miracle pills and recorded that my top lip measured 5/16ths of an inch (sorry - I couldn't find my metric ruler!) and my bottom lip measured 7/16ths. Three days later, I made another lip print and got out the ruler. This time, my top lip was 8/16ths of an inch and my bottom lip was an astonishing 11/16ths!!
After taking the supplement for several weeks, I'm also happy to report that it also has had a simply fantastic effect on my skin! I am guilty of drinking alot of coffee and wine and not enough water. I don't think my skin is dehydrated, but I do worry about it. Since I've been taking the supplements, my skin looks downright plumped!
I'm telling ya' - YOU HAVE GOT TO TRY THIS ! I got my original stash at Whole Foods, but they're way cheaper online, even with the added shipping charges. Now remember - not just any old hyaluronic acid supplement will work. It MUST also have the BiocellII.