This is one of those times that Beauty Wonkette is glad that she was too busy to sit down and post, because had Beauty Wonkette NOT been too busy and HAD posted when she was going to, then Beauty Wonkette would be correcting herself, pleading forgiveness, etc. etc.
WHAT the hell is this crazy woman going on about? you ask as you grumble under your breath that you do wish Beauty Wonkette would get to the damn point! Ok, ok - Beauty Wonkette hears ya...
Beauty Wonkette adores MLab's skincare line. In fact, the Anti Aging Serum is truly her hg, go to,
just try and pry it out of my hands product. So, when the lovely folks over at MLab ran one of their 50% off specials, BW scooted over to the site, with her new hubby's amex in her hot little hand. When she arrived, she learned that MLab had come out with a new eye product (in addition to their eye cream that has been around from the start and which BW is NOT crazy about) that sounded very promising. It's called
Sonic Tensor Eye Serum and it's truly supercharged, boasting that it's formulated with 72% active ingredients. That, and the fact that it sounds all space agey and reminded Beauty Wonkette that she wanted to be an astronaut when she was a mini Beauty Wonkette, AND the 50% off event (which is, sadly, over), AND the fact that the amex in her hand was her hubby's and not hers, all combined and led to a result that you have probably already guessed. Beauty Wonkette bought it.
Now, like so many of us, Beauty Wonkette seems to be on a constant quest for the perfect eye product. She's tried everything out there. EVERYTHING. For the past 18 months, she has remained (semi) faithful to
Go Bare Skincare's RevitalEyez. It's lovely stuff at an unbeatable price, and also chock full of peptides, peptides, and more peptides. And, while Beauty Wonkette has strayed briefly, she always comes back to it. But, if only there was something that was just a little bit more FIRMING; something that could provide just a teeny bit more LIFT (short of duct tape, of course).
When the MLab package arrived, Beauty Wonkette raced up stairs, leaping over the dogs, and almost broke her neck because her bathroom isn't that big and, given her speed, she had trouble braking and almost slammed into a wall. And then she tried the magical new elixir. And, she exclaimed EWWWW YUCKY !!! At first blush, it felt kind of icky sticky. Admittedly, BW thought she felt some very definite tightening around her eyes, but when she looked in the mirror, she didn't see anything significant. She didn't expect to. After all, doesn't Beauty Wonkette always tell you that you have to give a product several weeks before you arrive at any conclusion? So, despite the yuck factor, which frankly isn't all that yucky in any case and which is no longer yucky about 10 minutes after you put it on, Beauty Wonkette soldiered on. Truth be told, she WAS going to post something less than complimentary about the stuff, though. She didn't though. Fast forward to today.
It has now been about 11 days since this stuff arrived. Although the bottle says to use it am AND pm, BW has been using it in the am and using her
RevitalEyez stuff at night. When BW looked in the mirror today, she did a double-take! Even though BW was out partying last night and only got about 5 hrs sleep, her eyes looked incredibly OPEN. In fact, BW eyes looked so very open, due to the tightening of the skin from eyelash to eyebrow, that one just might think that some outside laser or scalpel yielding power had intervened!!! The stuff is that good. Now, Beauty Wonkette must warn you in advance - the stuff is NOT moisturizing. If moisture is an issue for you, you probably will have to use another product on top of this. It isn't an issue for Beauty Wonkette, so she's perfectly content using this alone in the morning and her
RevitalEyez alone at night.
And, they all lived happily ever after. The end.
Sonic Tensor Eye Serum 95.00 USDGBS RevitalEyez 19.99 USD