Beauty Wonkette was one of the first to extol the virtues of the Living Proof NO FRIZZ line and she still swears by it. But trekking back and forth between NYC and Washington DC during the hazy, hot, and HUMID HUMID HUMID as in Amazon rainforest HUMID days of summer challenges even a great product. So when given a chance to try out the new Coppola Keratin Straightening Treatment at NYC's Louis Licari, Beauty Wonkette was more than game.
OMG OMG OMG. Beauty Wonkette will forever genuflect at the alter of this process for it is truly the answer to a frizzy maiden’s prayer. This stuff works! It closes hair cuticles, giving your hair weight, making it shinier and stronger. AND, Arsen Gurgov, Master Stylist at Louis Licari, sent a bottle to his lab for testing. Unlike some other treatments out there, this treatment has nothing to do with formaldehyde. So your hair doesn’t hang like bookends on the sides of your face. Instead, it gleams, moves and has bounce.
Here’s how Coppola’s Keratin works: Beauty Wonkette's considerable mane was washed three times with a clarifying shampoo to fully remove all product build-up, natural oils and dirt. Then, Arsen lightly dried it, getting it “to look as frizzy as it can.” Next step: He combed in the keratin (a protein normally found in the hair). Half an hour later, a flat iron activates and bonds the keratin with heat. End result: Beauty Wonkette's hair looks and feels BEE-YOO-TEE-FUL!
After hours of shopping in the most wretched heat and humidity, I catch glimpses of myself in store windows and think “Who’s that pretty girl?” This is the first straightening treatment that has left my hair healthier. I’m over the moon. Lasts three to four months -- perfect for getting my all the way through the dog days of August and September. After that, my Living Proof No Frizz can once again do it's own special brand of magic.
Coppola explains here.
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